Much of what we do as teachers is within the confines of the four walls of our classrooms. Attending a professional development workshop not only gives teachers an opportunity to collaborate with other educators but an opportunity to further develop their craft and grow professionally.

The Routty Math Teacher provides professional development at state and national conferences, as well as, for both schools and school districts. I would love to prepare and present a learning opportunity to fit the needs of your teachers.

I do have limited availability during the school year; however, I am available for a variety of summer professional development experiences. For more information or to set-up a time to discuss your needs, please complete the following form.

Workshops are available in full day and half day formats.

Current Workshops Include:

  • Embedding the Process Standards into Cognitively Demanding Mathematical Tasks (Full Day only)
  • Number Talks: Strategies for the Mental Toolbox
  • Problem Solving: It’s More than Just Solving Problems!
  • STAAR Review Make ‘n’ Take (currently available for Grades 4 and 5)*

* The costs for a make ‘n’ take workshop will vary based on the needs of the workshop group.

Workshop Costs:

  • Full Day- $1,000 (6-hour training session + a 30 to 60-minute lunch if desired)
  • Half Day- $550* (3-hour training session)
  • Materials Fee (if needed)**

* Travel expenses, such as transportation and accommodations, for locations outside of the greater Austin area are additional.

** The materials fee is based on the number of workshop participants. The workshop fee includes materials for 12 participants. Materials for additional participants will be billed based on the total number of participants at $10 a person.

Access to a projector and document camera are necessary for each workshop and should be provided by the workshop site. I will provide my own laptop.

Routty Math Teacher Love

“Instructional strategies are amazing. Love the structure of the day! Gives you an idea/visual of how our classrooms can be structured.” -third-grade teacher

The workshop “provid[ed] useful and meaningful instructional strategies that can easily be incorporated into the classroom. The material was very engaging.”- fourth-grade teacher

I “had time to develop an implementation plan so I’ll get started with number talks next week!”- fourth-grade teacher

Upcoming Conferences

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Past Conferences

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* CAMT: Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching

Fort Worth, Texas

July 10 – July 12, 2017

Session Title: Picture It! Using Models to Zoom-in on Fraction and Decimal Operations

Session #: 1089 and 1113

Grade Level Focus: Grades 3 – 5

Description: Get ready to be engaged in activities to help your students build a conceptual understanding of fraction and decimal operations using the visual models emphasized in the TEKS. Participants will leave with teaching strategies and learning activities to use in their own classrooms.

Download the session folder here or click on the image above!


* CAMT: Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching

San A Cover ntonio, Texas

June 29 – July 1, 2016

Session Title: Conquering Fraction Comparisons: It’s More than Just Common Denominators!

Session #: 1048

Grade Level Focus: Grades 3 – 5

Description: Come ready to engage in activities to help students build a strong foundation for comparing fractions, using the three strategies emphasized by NCTM, through explorations that will offer students the opportunity to think more deeply about the meaning of fractions and the relationship between them. Participants will leave with teaching strategies, interactive notebook resources, and cooperative learning activities to use in their classrooms.

Download the session folder here or click on the image above!

* NCTM, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Annual Conference 

San Francisco, California

April 13 – 15, 2016 

Session Title: Measurement Concepts for Early Grades: Building Teachers’ Level of Understanding

Session #: 155

Grade Level Focus: Coaches, Leaders, Teacher Educators

Description: How well do elementary teachers understand the importance of the big ideas in the conceptual development of measurement– zero point, partitioning, and units? In this presentation, results will be shared from a study conducted with elementary teachers and ideas for professional development will be highlighted. (I co-presented this session with my Baylor University professor, Dr. Sandi Cooper.)


* CTCTM, Central Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics Spring Conference

Waco, Texas

January 23, 2016

Session Title: Engaging Instructional Strategies, Cooperative Learning Techniques, and Assessment Tools

Grade Level Focus: Grades 3 – 8

Description: Come ready to experience ready-to-use instructional strategies that incorporate the process standards, cooperative learning techniques, technology tools, and assessment ideas. Door prizes will be given.



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Grade Level




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